On this page we offer a number of relevant
search links from some of the more popular search engines.
Please don't fall for the hype of these companies that contact
you and claim they can get you into thousands of search engines
or directories. If they even follow through on what they
claim (and we can almost assure you they won't) you'll be in
that are used by a miniscule number of internet users.
And any company that tells you they can move you to the top
of the search engine rankings for $19.95, $29.95, $59.95, or
amount each month is also likely trying to sell you a bill
of goods. You
get into search engines by having effective, optimized pages,
and a short, focused campaign to get added to the key players.
While you may want to have Bizhand.Com optimize your site as often
as quarterly (but likely only annually) there isn't ever a need
for a monthly service and we're convinced that most of them are
With all of that covered, the graphics below lead to some pretty
helpful search sites. All will open a new browser window. Enjoy!