Many businesses want to make sure their
site is listed in Yahoo. I must tell you the Bizhand.Com recommendation
varies by the type of business, needs of a client, and the changing
climate of search strategies. We cannot say that every business
needs to focus on getting into Yahoo. However, for those who
want to get into the directory Yahoo now charges a fee to "look at
your site and say they'll include you or that they won't include
you." The fee at the time of creating this page was
That fee guarantees they will give you an answer within 7 days.
That's it. If you are accepted (and Bizhand.Com can tell
you with near absolute certainty if you will be or not) then that
fee becomes a recurring annual fee to stay in their directory.
Inclusion in Yahoo's directory will likely help you in other directories
and search engines. If you are trying to get a new business
noticed in a hurry then there definitely might be value in using
this method of getting into yahoo.
At the same time, with the volatility of the search engine marketplace
and many business budgets being what they are, it might bode well
for you to see if the robots, spiders, and crawlers place you in
the major search engines (including Yahoo's new search engine)
before paying to get into Yahoo's directory.
If you'd like to find out more about the service to get into Yahoo's
directory under the program described above, click the Yahoo graphic
below and a new window will open with details.